We do not receive commissions, brokerage fees or incentive fees to promote one investment over another. Atlas Capital’s goals coincide with our clients’ financial objectives: namely to help you plan for your financial future and make your assets grow. In other words, our interests are aligned with yours.
No conflicts of interest
Hourly Fee Model Saves You Money
The average cost for a financial plan, according to a study from the Financial Planning Association, is $2,400. The one-size fits all approach is not how we do things. After our first meeting where we build your financial plan (see the fees for this below), we will only charge you for the time used using our hourly fee structure.
Schedule an introductory phone call or online meeting here.
Access your plan
All of our customers get access to their financial and retirement plan through WealthTrace, which allows you to view your plan and all of your investment information in one location. Run your own what-if scenarios, track your investments, view performance and historical data for your investments. You will be empowered with access to your plan.
Fees: $1,800 for a Standard Financial Plan, $330 per Hour Afterward*
Our hourly model is great for those who want financial planning help and will only need occasional help after this. After our first meeting you can schedule meetings by the hour and you will only be charged our hourly rate.
*The cost is $1,800 for a financial plan. This usually requires 2 hours of meeting time with the client and 2 hours of post-meeting review by Atlas Capital. If the meeting with the client takes longer than 2.5 hours we will charge hourly after that and add it to the total.
We do not waste your time or try to boost our hours. We work very efficiently and therefore the typical plan only requires our meeting to be between 1.5 and 2.5 hours.
After the first year clients are charged $325 annually, which gives them the following benefits:
1) Unlimited software support when you use the planning software.
2) Access to our planning services.
3) Updates on financial markets, legal changes that might impact you, and our predictions about the economy.